Wednesday, June 8, 2011

4 months old

 Happy 4 Months old to ME!!!!

Here is what I've been up to this past month!

*I am still a very happy and easy going baby.
*My hair is getting lighter- I just might be a blonde!
*My legs are getting stronger everyday. I can pretty much support all my weight on my legs with help from mom or dad holding my arms
*I am "talking" so much more. Mommy sometimes can't get a word in!
*I love grabbing onto mommy's necklace and am starting to grab onto toys.
*I am wearing 3 month onesies and am fitting loosely into my 3-6 month clothes. I usually just wear a onesie because it's been so hot out!
*I still love the Baby Bjorn and fall asleep easily in it.
*I have very good vision- I can see pretty far and get so excited when people look right at me!
*I LOVE watching anna do anything and I really like to play in the playroom with her. I like reading books with her, playing on my playmat and swatting at the toys hanging, sitting in my BUMBO, exersaucer, bouncer or Boppy, laying on my back and rolling to my side to play with baby toys (I love Sophie the Giraffe) and sitting on mommy or daddy's laps. I also love watching brother!
*I am still sleeping great! My am napping anywhere from 3-4 times a day; pretty much taking a nap 2 1/2 hours after I wake up form my last except for my morning nap- it's usually around 1 1/2 hours after I wake up. I take good naps in my crib and bouncer and on people but I nap my best in my swing! My naps last anywhere from 30 min- 1 1/2 hours (my longest nap ever was yesterday and it was 2 1/2 hours!) and my paci helps me fall asleep. At night time I get around 12 hours of total sleep; I am going to bed around 8:30/9ish and waking around 4:30ish to eat and then again at 8 ish. I still only take about 25 minutes to eat, get a diaper change (sometimes my diaper is so dry I don't change it), get re-swaddled and fall back asleep. I am still swaddled but a couple days ago, I have started sleeping with just my legs swaddled to keep me warm- I will soon be completely weaned from swaddling!!!
*I am still breastfeeding; eating every 3- 3 1/2 hours. Mommy thinks I drink anywhere from 4-5 oz at each feeding. I don't burp every time I eat, but when I do it's a huge one!!! I don't drink from the bottle that much but enjoy it when daddy feeds me!
*I still sometimes get gunk in my right eye when I wake up. Mommy thinks my tear duct may still be clogging up on occasion. Yuck!


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