Tuesday, June 28, 2011

21 months old

It's never too late for a monthly update!!!!!!

Happy 21 months old to me!

Here's what I've been up to the last month!

*I hop hop hop EVERYWHERE!
*Favorite songs- Justin Beiber- Baby. I even try to make a heart with my hands in the air like they do on the video. Anything that Barney and Baby Bop sing. I also love princess songs!
*Favorite TV show/dvd: Anything Barney and Baby Bop. I also still love grandma's Disney sing a long dvd.
*I have an impressive memory and am pretty predictable in what I like to do!
*I have really hard ear wax (gross!) and am still taking Mirlax and fiber gummies for my hard poopies.
*My Favorite Book right now is one called trucks. I also really like the potty training book and snugglepuppy.
*I am learning my colors. I am pretty good at finding red, yellow, green, blue, purple and pink; when you ask me what my favorite color is I say "pink!" I am learning my letters. I call them all A's with the exception of O, B (I call it Baby) and D (I call Daddy). I love to play my shape hopping game and hop to all the shapes that I know; circle, square, heart, triangle, and star.
*I am starting to count. I use my fingers and a couple times when mommy has said count, I say "one" and hold up my pointer finger!
*I am sleeping the same as I was last month- very good! I still give everyone kisses night night- mommy, daddy, baby, brother and teddy!
*I am still napping around 1 1/2 - 2 hours a day. On a very active day I can sometimes sleep close to 3 hours!
*I brush my teeth in the morning and night. I like to do it by myself (like most of everything) and get upset when mommy wants to help me.
*I am very independent. I love to buckle myself into the high chair and car seat and demand that I do it myself. I also throw a fit if I am not allowed to dress myself or put on my shoes or do anything that I have my mind set to!
*I still love being outside
*I spend time in timeout on a weekly basis- not too much time but I do visit it. Once we were at Grandma's and Daddy was putting me in timeout and didn't know where it was... well I gladly showed him where it was! Timeout has been pretty effective with me and I pretty much need a timeout warning to stop what I am doing. On my onery days, I need to be put in timeout so I remember how much I don't like it.
*I am talking "Anna Talk" Mommy and daddy understand what I have to say most of the time. I call myself "a" or "Me Me"
*I love to act like a puppy. I crawl around on the ground and pant like a doggy!
*I love playing with babies- I feed them, bathe them, burp them, sush them, play with them, push them in swings and love them!
*I love my sister SO much! I am always giving her kisses!


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