Sunday, July 31, 2016

RMNP- Alberta Falls

After our quick re-visit to bear lake, we started our hike to Alberta Falls.

Abby was bound and determind to hike this 1 mile trail (mostly down hill from Bear Lake) and she did awesome! It may have slowed us signifigantly down but it was fun to watch her have fun hiking (and a nice break for our backs!)

We crossed streams....

Stopped for a snack at a pretty creek spot.... it is hear that a boy accidentally stepped on Ashley's hiking stick which resulted in crying. I finially convinced her that we could duck tape it at home (it is currently on my kitchen counter awaiting it's repair....)

Trying to fix her stick....

Then it was time for Anna to get upset... she accidentally hit Daddy really hard and was upset....

So these two hammed it up...

WOW- high, high cliff. They threw a couple rocks down and them mommy and Daddy were way to scared so we left this spot!

Alberta Falls!!! Of course this wasn't a good enough view of the falls so we had to go down as far as we could and also up. They were bound and determind to find a way across this waterfall but there was no way we let them even consider it!!!

As much as Abby wanted to fanny slide her way down the big boudlers there was no way Daddy was going to let her!

And then we found more chipmunks!!!!!

And then she hit complete exhaustion and insisted on Daddy carrying her. Good thing we brought the backpack on this hike, huh??????? She feel aslep and stayed asleep for most of the walk to the shuttle.

Anna doing what she does best- annoying mommy and talking about Doo Doo Land! She is definitely a weird first grader :)

Fun from my phone!!!!

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