Sunday, November 1, 2015


I am still having a hard time swallowing these words that I got last Wednesday from Abby's preschool teachers. I tried to shake it off, laugh it off, talk it off but it's still with me....

"Defiant. Will go from perfectly happy to kicking and screaming us and classmates. Will not listen at all during nap time and is extremely disruptive. Won't even sit on mat during nap time for 5 minutes to "earn" time outside. Won't line up when we ask; throws her body on floor or flat out ignores them and refuses to listen."

This is not my Abby. Yes, she's an independent, Abby pleaser and really could care less about pleasing anyone outside her. But defiant and flat out mean????

It has really had me second guessing my decision to start her in day out when I did. Technically she's not 2 1/2 until the end of November. And she's acting just like a 2 1/2 year old can act to her teachers. Apparently her class has 11 kids with 3 tough ones (Abby being one of the tough ones). But she needs this time with peers her age; she needs this time learning to listen and adjust to someone outside her family. It is good for her.

When I ask her about school (she is limited by her words) and if she if happy there. she shakes her head and say, "No. Home. Mommy. No." Is she really acting like this in hopes that she gets to go home instead? The more I think about it, it really breaks my heart and hurts how she is acting and that she is being referred to as "defiant" by her teachers. I really don't see it at home AT ALL. Yes, she's stubborn and throws a tantrum like other 2 1/2 year old, but mean and defiant ON PURPOSE is not my Abby. She isn't one to "test" others and I am just baffled at what is going on.

I hope this week is more smooth for her. I am bringing a sippy cup of milk to school for nap time, we are making a picture for her teachers and all week we have been talking about school, being nice and listening. Oh how it's hard to have a feisty one outside of the house; I have always said that if my kid os going to act out PLEASE have her act out at home with me.....

Still love you Abby more then you can imagine but WOW this is hard on mommy and daddy :(

1 comment:

  1. That was Thomas last year. This year (after turning 3) -- his teacher tells me he is a joy and rule follower. I'm sure next year will be much better. Don't stress. Looking back I worried way too much about "normal 2 yr old behaviors"
