Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Daddy's Birthday Weekend

We celebrated Daddy's birthday ALL last weekend and had a BLAST!

We ate waffles for breakfast, pizza for lunch, burgers for dinner and of course the traditional Blueberry Cream Cheese Pound Cake for dessert.... YUMMM! I even had my first vanilla ice cream cone after dinner! I loved the place where we ate dinner- Foster's Grille- it had the best patio EVER! Since mommy, daddy and I were the only ones outside, I got to run around like a CRAZY monkey! I can't wait to go back to that place!

We played at our house, went to the zoo and saw lots of animals including a HUGE polar bear, painted a picture with daddy, watched the MU game and opened gifts. I even got to wear my new MU pants that Aunt Laura made me! The next day we went to Grammy and Poppy's to celebrate with them and Aunt Laura, Uncle Aaron and Henry. We had tons of fun!

I can't wait for another birthday weekend- I REALLY like birthdays :)



  1. Oh, my gosh, she looks adorable in all the MU clothing! Just one question: did Rob receive his gift in a Disney princess gift bag? :-)

  2. Happy (Belated) Birthday, Rob!
    I sure hope there is another version of that outfit in crimson & blue!
    Looks like Mr. Peanut got a haircut ... he looks naked :)

  3. yes bets- we have another version :) And MR Nuts got a chop chop before it gets too cold! Yes Mary- Disney Princesses for the rest of Rob's life :)
