Saturday, December 17, 2016

Polar express

Earlier this week a local pediatric dentist practice was offering a free Saturday morning in your pajamas viewing of the movie The Polar Express if we donated toys for their toy drive. So we donated 5 toys and got treated to a GREAT Saturday morning while still in our pj's. Each kid received a ticket good for a kids snack tray filled with popcorn, fruit snacks and a drink. The girls fell in LOVE with the snack tray and the movie. 

We had never seen tis movie and we were all very much so into it. So into it that with about 3 minutes left until the end, Anna whispers to me, "Mommy." I don't hear her so she says again, "Mommy, I need to go potty." I ask if she can wait 3 minutes until the end and she says loudly, "Mommy, I peed!!!!!" I jus up, get her up and can't stop laughing. She walks out of the theatre like a penguin and while waddling she says "ewwww there's pee pee in my boots!" Gross!!! Luckily she was a good sport and laughed through the whole event with me. AND we made it back for the ending, wet pants, booster seat and all :) 

What am I going to do with my Anna??? Such a goof!




They handed out a "magic" bell to all the kids in attendance as we were leaving. Our girls thought this was pretty darn cool that they could hear the ringing of Santa's sleigh just like the movie.


Hope this becomes another holiday tradition!

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