Monday, March 28, 2016

Shelly's Visit and the Tim Tam Slam

My college girlfriend, Shelly, welcomed us home at our house when we got home from Belize (A TON to come on Belize someday.... :)). She had time off and we hadn't seen each other in over 5 years, so this was better time then ever to get together. I felt bad since we were so tired from Belize but we still had a blast laying around and just letting the girls play.  Her daughter Eleanor is 3 years old and got along with our girls so well. They played, painted "evil" bunnies, played, watched Descendants, played and had fun! Oh and introduced us to the greatest toothbrushing app ever- ToothSavors!!!

As for the adults, we kicked off the beginning of March Madness together by watching tons of basketball. And Shelly introduced me to the Tim Tam Slam. It is amazing...... you use Tim Tam wafer chocolate bars as a straw to drink hot chocolate and right when they get soft you SLAM them into your mouth. Serious.... it is heavenly.

Love seeing friends and meeting their little ones, even if it is only for a couple days :)

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