Monday, February 23, 2015

Cruise Activities- Day 2

During the second day we were at port in Nassau Bahamas. We chose to stay aboard. We woke up early enough to grab breakfast at the place we ate dinner at the night before and got to watch as our ship pull into port. It was pretty cool. Then after that we went to meet all the princesses, Tinkerbelle and Anna and Elsa. We spent some time at the pool (but it was super crowded, I am talking super crowded), Daddy and Anna rode the Aquaduck (the tube of water that pretty much sent you on a raft around the top of most of the ship) took naps, checked out the kids center, ate good food and ice cream, met Captian Hook, Met Pirate Mickey and Friends, went to dinner at the Animators Palate where we ate with Crush the turtle, went to the early pirate show (the "real" one started at 10:15 and had a live Peter Pan and Captian Hook show and fireworks) and ended the night with going with Daddy to see the 2nd show, Villians Tonight. What a great day.

Pirate Night and before dinner cuddles :)


The girls thought Crush was awesome! He would appear and interact with everyone during dinner.

She ate the adult dessert cookie and cream ice cream sundae.

She was doing a CRAZY pirate dance the entire dance party. So much fun with my little pirate the last night of her being 3 years old :)

Pirate Mickey and Friends with a visit from Captian Hook and Smee!

Villians Tonight

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