Monday, October 24, 2016

Daisy Rollerskating Night at Skate City

The same night as Abby's trunk or treating event was Girl Scout Night at Skate City. Anna, Ashley and I headed out to skate the night away. We spent the first 20 minutes holding onto each other with dear life and then spent the next 20 minutes actually skating.

And then Anna fell hard on her left arm. Crying in pain we get off the rink and I ask her to move it so I can see if we need to go to the ER. She refuses to move it because it hurts so much and kept crying until she found a position that felt good. We iced it and then I told her she had to extend her arm and do whatever she can with her arm so I can see if we need a doctor.

It was decided pretty quickly that we needed to see a doctor.

Ashley stayed behind and skated with her softball coach. A neighbor brought her home. Ashley had an absolute ball. Anna said that even though she got hurt she will definitely try skating again. What a trooper...

Here is when she got hurt... you can barely see Anna on the left fall as I am video taping Ashley falling. There were a lot of bodies falling!!

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