Monday, May 15, 2017

Strawberry Swing Craft Show

The girls first craft fair as Lil Makers was a smashing success!!!!!

They sold 18 PVC pipe chairs, 3 tent and sleeping bag sets, 2 key fobs and several hairbands/headbands. An amazing first experience!!!!

Last minute creations were made the morning of the show. Ashley decided that she finally wanted to make a tent so I woke up to the sewing machine going...

The booth looked great! They were 1 of 5 Lil makers (the actual craft fair had 80 or so official vendors) selling their home made goods from 10-4. Kate joined the girls and made slime and bath fizzes.

I would say close to a thousand people walked by their tent that day during that time frame and so many people complimented their work. At the end of the show I asked the girls if they wanted to do another show and they didn't even hesitate with their answer. I just love my little crafters!!!!!

Our "booth"

She found a hidden troll and got a prize!!!

All the Little Makers

Our booth at the end; almost sold out!!!!

So much fun with my girls!!!!!

Can't wait until we try another show... until then we need some zzzz's! It's exhausting but so so so so fun!

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