Thursday, August 13, 2015


We may officially be crazy.

Many of you know that Rob has bad/borderline chronic shoulder pain. And he has tried everything but steroids/botox to heal/ease the pain and nothing has been successful. Nothing.

A couple weeks back we happened to read about Whole 30 on a friends blog and found that it has had success with combating inflammation. Rob thought about it and asked me my thoughts. I knew he was totally serious because Rob is NOT someone to mess around with food and crazy diets so I told him I'd do the Whole 30 with him.

There is a lot to the Whole 30 but basically it is when you eat meat, veggies and fruit for 30 solid days, no cheating. It pretty much rids the body of unnatural sugars and additives that may cause inflammation and other issues in the body. It is a total reset of your body.

A couple days after deciding to do it, we headed to the store..... Costco, Sprouts and Trader Joe's had a bunch of stuff to stock our pantry and get us started on the right foot. So we boxed up our old pantry and filled it with all these goodies-

Yes, you are looking at over $600 worth of food folks to get us started (the produce/meat will last a week but the other stuff will probably fill us for most of the month). But yes, this is no cheap way to eat.

So wish us well. September 3rd is officially the 30th day! I better make sure there is a cold beer in the fridge for me :)

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