Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Enjoying the pool as much as we can
With the pool closing Labor Day we are trying to get out there as much as we can! What a great summer we've had here. SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad my girls are so competent in the water; it was actually a relaxing summer for me by the pool :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
71 months old
One more month until she's 6. EEK!!!!! Growing into such a beautiful girl; inside and out. Couldn't have asked for a better big sister; first born. Love you bunches!
27 months old
Happy 27 months big stuff :)
Was excited to capture the one above since most of the time she was giving me goofy face or moving at a speed where it was all blurry.
Here's what she has been up to since turning 2 :)
*Sucking on her fingers when she gets tired or when she is trying to calm herself down.
*Talking more and more. She really only says things we know/understand. She is beginning to repeat words back when asked but this rarely happens. She is starting to sing the alphabet with the right sounds. She still uses tons of gestures/animal sounds/associated words (like lala for baby) in place of words she could easily say. Pretty frustrating but she is moving in the right direction. Slowly moving but moving...
*Puts on her own underwear (even though most of the time it's a backward wedgie!)
*Attempts to (and is usually successful) at dressing herself
*Loves to fill cups up with water from the refrigerator. We have recently started to lock the water dispenser since she does it so much.
*Sleeping great. This child LOVES to sleep. Usually wakes after 8 and goes to bed before around 8 at night. She takes a 1- 1 1/2 hour midday nap daily. When she wakes up in the morning she usually stays in her crib for up to 30 minutes; I think she secretly loves this time alone.
*Sleeps with all her soft toys and lala (baby), blankey and pillow. Still is in a sleepsack. She has usually taken it off by morning.
*Has not attempted to climb out of crib so still in crib
*Loves to brush her teeth and does so daily.
*Loves to lotion her body up with lotion (or anything looking like lotion) so hide the lotion bottles
*She is a normal 2 year old picky eater. Her favorites are: cheese, turkey rolls, PBJ sandwich, chips, peaches, blueberries, yogurt, applesauce, yogurt smoothies, muffins.
*She is SO loud. She may not have many words but WOW is she loud.
*She loves to cuddle.
*Absolutely adores "nanny and a-eee" (Anna and Ashley)
*Loves to swing outside in swings
*Is pretty go with the flow Can throw a major fit if needed but most of the time she's a pretty chill kid.
*Loves to dance to music and do somersaults
*Loves to jump off things. Loves to jump into pools, off of chairs, anything. She is by far our most adventurous (and the one I vote will break an arm first) when it comes to rough housing. Still loves to "dackle" (tackle) us.
*Loves to cut with scissors, color with markers/crayons, use glue, use tape and immerse herself in our art room just like sissies.
*Recently she has had lots of fun packing for "bye bye" and "home." She literally takes as much stuff as she can find and shoves it into her play backpack and suitcase. Then she looks at us and says, "bye bye" or "home."
*Loves baby dolls, playing kitchen, magnatiles, kinetic sand, play dough and stickers
*Is really good at independent play and playing alongside big sisters.
*When she wants something, you know!
*Love books; especially when you read to her in her pink chair
*Loves Doc McStuffins and Mickey and Friends the most
We love you Abby. You make us laugh, smile and enjoy life :)
Was excited to capture the one above since most of the time she was giving me goofy face or moving at a speed where it was all blurry.
Blurry but I love the one below :)
Here's what she has been up to since turning 2 :)
*Sucking on her fingers when she gets tired or when she is trying to calm herself down.
*Talking more and more. She really only says things we know/understand. She is beginning to repeat words back when asked but this rarely happens. She is starting to sing the alphabet with the right sounds. She still uses tons of gestures/animal sounds/associated words (like lala for baby) in place of words she could easily say. Pretty frustrating but she is moving in the right direction. Slowly moving but moving...
*Puts on her own underwear (even though most of the time it's a backward wedgie!)
*Attempts to (and is usually successful) at dressing herself
*Loves to fill cups up with water from the refrigerator. We have recently started to lock the water dispenser since she does it so much.
*Sleeping great. This child LOVES to sleep. Usually wakes after 8 and goes to bed before around 8 at night. She takes a 1- 1 1/2 hour midday nap daily. When she wakes up in the morning she usually stays in her crib for up to 30 minutes; I think she secretly loves this time alone.
*Sleeps with all her soft toys and lala (baby), blankey and pillow. Still is in a sleepsack. She has usually taken it off by morning.
*Has not attempted to climb out of crib so still in crib
*Loves to brush her teeth and does so daily.
*Loves to lotion her body up with lotion (or anything looking like lotion) so hide the lotion bottles
*She is a normal 2 year old picky eater. Her favorites are: cheese, turkey rolls, PBJ sandwich, chips, peaches, blueberries, yogurt, applesauce, yogurt smoothies, muffins.
*She is SO loud. She may not have many words but WOW is she loud.
*She loves to cuddle.
*Absolutely adores "nanny and a-eee" (Anna and Ashley)
*Loves to swing outside in swings
*Is pretty go with the flow Can throw a major fit if needed but most of the time she's a pretty chill kid.
*Loves to dance to music and do somersaults
*Loves to jump off things. Loves to jump into pools, off of chairs, anything. She is by far our most adventurous (and the one I vote will break an arm first) when it comes to rough housing. Still loves to "dackle" (tackle) us.
*Loves to cut with scissors, color with markers/crayons, use glue, use tape and immerse herself in our art room just like sissies.
*Recently she has had lots of fun packing for "bye bye" and "home." She literally takes as much stuff as she can find and shoves it into her play backpack and suitcase. Then she looks at us and says, "bye bye" or "home."
*Loves baby dolls, playing kitchen, magnatiles, kinetic sand, play dough and stickers
*Is really good at independent play and playing alongside big sisters.
*When she wants something, you know!
*Love books; especially when you read to her in her pink chair
*Loves Doc McStuffins and Mickey and Friends the most
We love you Abby. You make us laugh, smile and enjoy life :)
Monday, August 24, 2015
Grammy and Poppy's Beach
This past Saturday we got together with Rob's side to celebrate his parents 45th Wedding Anniversary. His brothers and there families (all but Laura) came in for a nice day at Grammy and Poppy's beach, followed by a dinner and sleepover. The cousins loved seeing each other and had so much fun!!!!
We hadn't been to the beach all summer so the girls were super excited to get there. Once they did they were swimming all around, playing in sand, enjoying the gorgeous day and having fun.
It took a while but we actually got Abby to sit and walk on the sand!!! Slow and steadily over the 2 hours we were there she decided that beach sand may not be that bad after all :)
We hadn't been to the beach all summer so the girls were super excited to get there. Once they did they were swimming all around, playing in sand, enjoying the gorgeous day and having fun.
Anna's in Art Class
Last week we asked Anna what special she had and she told us art. When we asked her if she learning anything she said, "Yeah, about a man named Vin Von Gogh? You ever heard of him??? He made a rainbow sky."
Here's her Vincent Van Gogh with a rainbow sky :)
Here's her Vincent Van Gogh with a rainbow sky :)
Riding Trike ALL by herself!
And look at her go. She can pedal herself around the block :) She's got it down going downhill or when on a straight runway, but those hills or slight inclines are pretty tricky.Which then she screams, "Momma!! Momma!!!"
Back to School Night
Last week, Rob and I went to Anna's Back to School Night.
It was weird being the parent at Back to School Night (I have only been a teacher at one) but I liked it. Anna's teacher wow-ed us with her love for the kids and for teaching. The room didn't feel as small as it originally did. And all reservations I had about 1/2 day were completely washed away. It was a great night in Anna's classroom and I think Anna is going to have an AMAZING school year :) Can't wait to watch her grow and flourish under Mrs. Z; we really couldn't have asked for a better teacher match for Anna.
We found the kindergarten bulletin board in the hallway and took a picture of Anna's art work on it. I found it right away (the purple crayon with the rainbow crayon tip gave it away!)
It was weird being the parent at Back to School Night (I have only been a teacher at one) but I liked it. Anna's teacher wow-ed us with her love for the kids and for teaching. The room didn't feel as small as it originally did. And all reservations I had about 1/2 day were completely washed away. It was a great night in Anna's classroom and I think Anna is going to have an AMAZING school year :) Can't wait to watch her grow and flourish under Mrs. Z; we really couldn't have asked for a better teacher match for Anna.
We found the kindergarten bulletin board in the hallway and took a picture of Anna's art work on it. I found it right away (the purple crayon with the rainbow crayon tip gave it away!)
Ashleys First Soccer Game
Ashley woke up ready to play. She was so, so, so excited to play soccer....
She did warm ups with Daddy....
The game started. And then it hit her.....
She was actually playing in a game........
You can't see it here but she was basically crying and running the entire 3-4 minutes she was out there.....
And then coach talked to her.....
And all she wanted was to be by us on the sidelines...
Luckily the whistle blew and subs went in. Ashley ran to us crying her eyes out. She did not want to play soccer. She did not like it!! I hugged her and let her tell us why she was crying but after a couple minutes I told her to think back earlier when she wanted to play soooooo badly. I then told her I wasn't going to let her quit after a couple of minutes of playing; she wanted to sign up so she has to finish the game/season. She then tells me she is afraid she will never score a goal or even kick the ball. I told her I didn't care if she ever kicked the ball or scored, I just wanted her playing on the field with her team. And then I told her that she was the fastest runner on the field (which she was). She smiled at me and asked if she really was the fastest. I told her both the fastest runner AND skipper. This got her a little more excited. But then she told me she still didn't want to play because she was so thirsty and needed a really cold drink. I told her that her water bottle was as good as I could do but if she went in and played more that I was sure I could find something colder for her after the game. Her ears perked up and she said, "Sonic slurpees????" Once again, I told her that I would find something cold for her after the game if she played. A minute later when subs were called she was rearing to go.
She ran out there and, believe it or not, kicked the ball. She actually ran up to a girl and kicked it away from her. She looked at me and smiled....
A little red faced girl who told me, "I love soccer!!! I want to play next time too! Can we get a slurpee now?"
She did warm ups with Daddy....
The game started. And then it hit her.....
She was actually playing in a game........
You can't see it here but she was basically crying and running the entire 3-4 minutes she was out there.....
And then coach talked to her.....
And all she wanted was to be by us on the sidelines...
Luckily the whistle blew and subs went in. Ashley ran to us crying her eyes out. She did not want to play soccer. She did not like it!! I hugged her and let her tell us why she was crying but after a couple minutes I told her to think back earlier when she wanted to play soooooo badly. I then told her I wasn't going to let her quit after a couple of minutes of playing; she wanted to sign up so she has to finish the game/season. She then tells me she is afraid she will never score a goal or even kick the ball. I told her I didn't care if she ever kicked the ball or scored, I just wanted her playing on the field with her team. And then I told her that she was the fastest runner on the field (which she was). She smiled at me and asked if she really was the fastest. I told her both the fastest runner AND skipper. This got her a little more excited. But then she told me she still didn't want to play because she was so thirsty and needed a really cold drink. I told her that her water bottle was as good as I could do but if she went in and played more that I was sure I could find something colder for her after the game. Her ears perked up and she said, "Sonic slurpees????" Once again, I told her that I would find something cold for her after the game if she played. A minute later when subs were called she was rearing to go.
She ran out there and, believe it or not, kicked the ball. She actually ran up to a girl and kicked it away from her. She looked at me and smiled....
It's amazing what one little (big) kick can do for a kid..... She continued to play until the game was over and this is what we saw at the end of the game....
A little red faced girl who told me, "I love soccer!!! I want to play next time too! Can we get a slurpee now?"
So proud of you Ashley. So proud of sticking with something when it seems scary or tough. Mommy is proud of you for getting out there and playing; I could care less if you scored a goal or even kicked the ball. So proud of you Ash Ash.
Anna's First Soccer Game
Anna started the soccer season with her first game this weekend. It was overlapped with Ashley's so Rob and I caught part of Anna's but not all of it since Ashley was needing us more at her game (more on that in her post).
She did great! No goals but she did block the other teams shot at the goal (which I told her is just as important as scoring and she LOVED that). After the game she said, "We lost. I counted the goals." Too funny.... too funny.
Way to Go Anna Banana and can't wait to watch a whole game this weekend.
She did great! No goals but she did block the other teams shot at the goal (which I told her is just as important as scoring and she LOVED that). After the game she said, "We lost. I counted the goals." Too funny.... too funny.
Way to Go Anna Banana and can't wait to watch a whole game this weekend.
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