Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Songs at School

Anna has been talking about the songs that she has been singing at school and this is what she says the songs are called (and then she proceeds to sing them)
1. wheels on bus
2. Where is thumbkin
3. Meeting friends is lots of fun, meeting friends is lots of fun, what is your name?
4. twinkle twinkle little star
5. Some song about apples

Today when I picked her up from preschool I asked the teachers if these were the songs they are singing and sure enough they are. Looks like Anna is reporting a lot more then I thought she would about her days at preschool.

And she also likes to give me the updates on her friend Hank. "His daddy picked him up today," "It was Hanks Happy Birthday today," "Hank was still sleeping," "Hank chases me." I have yet to hear about any other of her classmates.

OH and she loves telling me how happy she is that I come back to get her after school. Like today we were walking around Target and she walked up to me, grabbed my hand, kissed it, squeezed it and then told me "I so happy you pick me up today at school." What a sweet heart.

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, i love this! i can't get a word out of cooper after school...boys vs girls??
