First day of school!!! |
It was Anna's first time in the care of someone other then her family for more then an hour (she was there from 9:30-2:30). AND. SHE. DID. AMAZING!
Anna was sleeping beauty this morning and woke up at 8 am. We had a special pick your own granola bar and eat it in your pajamas on the couch morning. School didn’t start until 9:30 but she was ready to go
(standing by the door, shoes one, laundry basket packed, backpack on) by 8:45. So we played a little
bit, called Daddy, Grama and Kate, talked about her teachers and school and got to school at 9:15.
When we got there we got a quick picture under the preschool sign and then
not looking once behind her to see if I was following her, she was off and ready. She was literally shaking in excitement.
When we got into the school she led Ashley and me to her classroom
but the door was still closed. She found her name tag and then put herbackpack in her spot and then
headed to the books to read. Then the door to her classroom opened and I didn’t know where she went. Then I
heard her teacher say “Hi Anna” and I looked up to see her already in her new
classroom. I had to ask her to come back to me to say good bye and I gave
her a big kiss. She smiled and then bee lined to the play dough. She never looked back. She never looked nervous. She never looked shy or uneasy. My little girl was ready.
When we picked her up she ran into mommy’s arms with the
biggest smile. She didn’t let go of me for a good minute, then she hugged your
sister long. She gave me 6 hugs and Ashley 2. Then she told me that she didn’t
cry and that she missed me and Ashley a lot. Then she said she was so glad we
came back.
She was so proud of herself and told me, “I go to school
all by myself mommy. I so happy. I so glad to see you!” When I asked her if she liked school she said, “YES!” while jumping up and down! I was so proud of her.
Her teachers said she did wonderful. She was in the same pair of pants and
panties that I dropped her off in and she were so excited to tell me she had dry panties and went potty all by herself in little potty at school. Even
during nap time when she didn’t nap, she still lied quietly on her mat and did an hour or so of quiet time while her classmates slept (I guess 8 out of 11 slept).
She told me that Mrs. S tickied her belly, back and arms during naptime to
try and get her to sleep (she really like Mrs S… I can tell!) And believe it or not, bunny stayed in her backpack the entire school day except for nap time. That fact alone shows me
how much fun she had and how much she is growing up.
When I asked Anna about her day, her is what I got
*"Me sing "Round and Round, Round and Round (Wheels on the Bus) and ABC’s."
*"Me have cookies (animal crackers) and
strawberries for snack."
*"Me eat just a little bit of my turkey
*"My teacher tickie me during nap on belly, back and arms"
*"I play width Hank, outside and read books to myself."
*"I made me a
picture for you mommy but it at school."
And the thing that made me the most happy.....
When I asked if she was
excited to go back to school she said “YES!”
I couldn’t have been more proud of her today.
Much Love,
First Day of school survey (which will be done yearly)
TV Show: Strawberry
Movie: Strawberry
Book: Strawberry
Song: Anything Possible
Fruit: Apple
Musician: Cherry Jam
Food: Carrots
Candy: Good Girl Mix (candy corn, peanuts, m & m's)
Toy: Ball, purple ball (I don't know why she said this)
Activity: Play, purple, Baby, purple, Bunny
Color: Purple
Store: Costco, no Target. I like both.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Plum Pudding
What does she do? DANCE!
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