Sunday, October 5, 2014

Happy 16 months

Happy 16 months old Abby our Lil Wild Thing!!!!

* Sleeping is awesome' still going to bed around 6:30 and waking around 7. She is still taking a good nap. Sometimes if she wakes up before 7 she will take an early nap and a shorter afternoon nap. most of the time she is sleeping past 7 and taking one nap around 2.
* Walking- she is walking more and more day by day but still prefers crawling or walking on her knees. She will take 3-4 steps and then go straight to the floor to crawl/walk on knees. OR she will take a good 4 steps, notice someone is watching, smiles and then goes down to crawling. She is a handful :) I am really ready for her to be running :)
* Making more and more animal sounds- puppy dog, duck, cow and fish 
* "Uhhh! Ugggh! Arg! Ahhhhh! Uhhhhh! Huh!" This child make so many various grunting noises that come the end of the day I have to ask Rob to take her up to change with him to give me a 5 min break of quiet from the grunting!!!
*Still loves putting her hand down my shirt, grabbing my boob and then blowing chub balls on my chest. What a goof!
*Giving kisses to anyone who asks. She is still my little cuddler :)
*Starting to like us reading to her; especially before bedtime/naptime
*Loves the book Good Night Gorilla!
*She enjoys feeding other people food
*LOVES baby dolls
*Is a good eater- LOVES lunch meat, cheese, yogurt, costco chicken, chicken nuggets/chicken fries, french fries, apples, grapes, applesauce, watermelon, asparagus, green peas, any cracker and chip. She loves walking to the kitchen helper, grunting and having a snack at the kitchen island.
*She still LOVEs to brush her teeth and still climbs up the stairs to brush her teeth and climbs the stairs up to Anna's bunk bed as well.
*She is not the biggest talker (outside of the grunting). She uses mama and dada regularly and has said probably around 20 words but not consistently. Her most consistent words are calling babies lala's and chomping her lips twice for "baba," She sees princesses and sings "la la la la!"
*Her mouth is pretty swollen with even more teeth coming in. I think she has around 12-15 teeth all in or on their way in.
*Getting more and more vocal with screaming when she sees things she doesn't like- Her sisters taking stuff, her sisters hugging me or sitting on my lap, diaper changes, getting in the car seat and when i take things away from her. It is pretty clear when Abby isn't happy :)
*She loves taking her socks and shoes off- this should be a fun winter. Looks like it's boots for this one- she can't seem to get those off and it makes her so mad!!!!!
*She giggles when she farts and gives the biggest smile :)

We love you Abby :)

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