Sunday, July 29, 2012


Daddy's cousin Chris and his fiance Erin got married this past weekend and we were super excited to share their day with them. Since the wedding took place during the girls nap time and the reception started right before the girls bedtime, my parents graciously watched our girl for us (thanks mom and dad) and let Rob and I go CRAZY! It was like "Parents Gone Wild" for us......

Our version of "Parents Gone Wild" goes something like this.....

Dressing Up....

Going to a Bar during Wedding "Intermission"and playing shuffleboard, drinking beer, watching the olympics and eating over sized wings from the Peanut (don't judge the wings... they may be freakishly oversized but oh my are they amazing!)

Dancing for hours until our feet couldn't move anymore....

Staying up WAY PAST our normal bedtimes :) I think it was 11:15 when we got home.....

And just enjoying a night without the kids. Those times don't come often and when they do, we totally try and live them up!

Enough about our "Parent's Gone Wild" Night and back to the wedding.

It was a beautiful wedding of two beautiful people who look so happy to be together. I did manage to snag some pics but was taking them without flash so not all turned out so great. But here are a few to share...

 I LOVE watching the groom RIGHT when the bride walks in. It seems like everyone's head is turned to the bride and all eyes are on her, but I just love watching the groom see his "bride" for the first time. Tears to my eyes every time and this time, tears to the MAX in his eyes! Here he had to look down for a sec to gain composure when I snapped the pic. Look how happy!

I just love an internet wedding! These two met on and gave out match boxes for the favors; clever, huh?!?! I just feel an extra connection to those who meet on the WWW like Rob and I. A little extra woot-woot!!!

Much Love,

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