Monday, January 19, 2015

19 months old

Happy 19 months old (3 weeks ago) :) I finally found my list of her monthly things and can blog this post and like I always say, better late then never :)

*Still sleeping 12-13 hours a night with a bedtime around 7 and wake-up between 7 and 8. Usually takes 45 min - 1 hour and 15 min afternoon nap around 2.
*LOVES lala (baby taggie doll) and her blankey
*LOVES milk babas (sippy cups!) Also LOVES water! This child seems to be asking for her baba all the time.
*Love books. She prefers the one picture with the word beneath it. She is even starting to name stuff she sees in books and point to things when asked.
*Has added lots of new words to her vocab. Her talking is really starting to take off :)
Mommy instead of momma and daddy instead of dadda
Ones that strangers may understand- apple (her most clear word), boot, papa, up, poop, baba (sippy cup), bowl, bye, hi, no, kick, ho ho ho, brrrrr (coat), pool, nummy (yummy), num num (yum yum), wow, owie, uh-oh, ow
Ones that really only the family understand :) braber (brother), dash (trash), mull (more), bouk (book), keen (clean), poppur (popcorn), lala (baby doll), baybow (baby), dah (done), bubber (chubber), boak (broke), tab (stab meaning fork), dack (stack),

*Loves to cluck her tongue. She mostly does this when music is playing or when she wants music on.
*LOVES food. Eats a ton. When hungry she comes into kitchen, pulls the kitchen helper out, climbs in and says, "num, num!" Not the best at eating vegetables but good with dairy, fruit and chicken/lunch meat.
*When you take something away from her or get in her way she says, "hey!"
*Loves to clean. Picks up toys after she is done , always cleaning her hands while eating, cleans spills with towels, uses toy mop/broom to clean the floors and even unloads the dishwasher!
*Can open the latch handle doors
*LOVES her daddy and gets so excited to see him get home from work. She also loves her mama :)

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