Saturday, August 23, 2014

Paradise Park

This past Wednesday I loaded up the car with my little ladies plus Henry and Frannie and headed to Paradise Park to try motherhood with 5 children 7 and under. And let me tell you; they made it feel like a walk in the park!!! I had never been to Paradise Park and now don't know why I waited so long to check it out.

I am not kidding these kids were amazing! It helped that all the big kids are back in school and there were maybe 5 other families there but still. We first played in the arcade where Anna was the proud winner of the jackpot 1000 tickets at a game (this is the second time she has won a jackpot of 1000 in an arcade before..... why haven't I taken her to Vegas?!?!?! She gladly split them evenly with the others). Then we headed to the foam factory which was a hit for all ages. Abby and Frannie loved playing, collecting and rolling on the balls and the older 3 loved running around and shooting things, making foam balls explode through the fountain and just having a ball! Then we headed to the Children's Interactive area where they played in the ballroom and climbing tunnel gym for some time. then we all ordered a yummy hot dog for lunch, played in the imaginary play room, water sensory area and art room. They even participated in the cooking class where they made a stop light cookie! Then we ended our 5 hours at the park with a little more arcade and cashing in our tickets and getting prizes. The kids were stoked and exhausted!!!!!

The battery on my good camera wore out and had to depend on my horrible camera phone. But hey, I got pics!

Anna kept saying, "Look guys. A mom, dad and their two kids!!!"

Time for a nap :)


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