Saturday, July 6, 2013

4th of July morning

The morning was brutal... brutal. Anna and Ashley were in some moods and the trip to Grammy and Poppy's was pretty painful. Luckily that changed when we got to Grammy and Poppy's and on the boat.

The girls both loved the boat. They got to drive it, eat on it, run on it, swim off it and relax. It was Ashley's first swim in the lake and Abby's first boat ride. They both loved it!

The girls loved swimming in the lake. They got right in with Rob and could have stayed in much longer if we all hadn't been getting hungry for lunch. Anna needed to go pee when she was swimming. We told her to pee in the lake. you should have seen the expression on her face. Then all of a sudden she said, "Daddy, I bend my legs and pretended to be on the potty and then I peed!!!!" You gotta love this age when they say stuff like this even after they have given you a hard, hard morning!

All was well until Ashley leaned over the edge of the boat and lost paci. We turned the boat around and found out that blue paci's in water are near impossible to find; especially when they sink. We did not have a happy camper and it took me 15 minutes to realize I had one in my bag. During the time Ashley was an inconsolable mess. And it proved one thing; we have a dependency. Operation paci only at nap and bedtime is starting soon at our house to get her ready for Mother's Day Out in 2 months....... But back to losing the paci...... So after she had calmed down and had a new paci, on the walk up the dock to our cars she sees a duck and says, "Duckie will bring me my paci. He will find it and get it to me."  And get this, 3 days later we are at Grammy and Poppy's and Ashley points to the lake and says, "My paci in there. Duckie find it and bring it to me." OH the hope!

Then after the boat ride we went back to Grammy and Poppy's for an awesome 4th of July BBQ spread!

It was an awesome 80 degree 4th of July on the lake- awesome!

Much Love,

Right before we lost paci.... she was so cold and cuddly!

Life is good!
Daddy trying to console...
Driving with her feet!
Peeling corn with Poppy
Anna loved the cake that "Grammy tried to make!!!"

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