Thursday, April 11, 2013

26 months old

Happy 26 months old my monkey.

Here's what you've been up to this past month (or two!)

*Sleeping is going great! You get around 11 hours of sleep at night with no wake ups and around a 2 hour nap mid day. You LOVE to cuddle with mommy in the morning after waking up; sometimes for a good hour in my bed. You sleep with paci's, bear, lambie and other soft babies.
*You eat pretty well for your age group. You just love ham, cheese and yogurt and anything related to a cracker or chip. You are drinking around 16 oz of milk a day.
*You are such a fluent talker. You use real sentences and can express feelings of happy, sad, mad, etc. You tell mommy a lot that I am silly. You also say things are not fair and you are very quick to tel on Anna when she does something she is not supposed to do.
*You are starting to not need paci during the day and you will look at me and say "no paci for Ashley. Paci go to crib/mommy's pocket" and it will stay there until nap time or bed time. We are not necessarily trying to wean you from it, but we don't think you need it when you are playing anymore.
*You have a great attention span and don't give up very easily. Mommy and daddy have learned not to help you until you ask for help.
*You just love Jake and the Neverland Pirates. You love playing with the figures from the Easter bunny and the Jake puzzles. You can do 24 piece puzzles with such ease. You are starting to work on bigger puzzles with smaller pieces.
*You also love Snow White. You know all the words to all her songs and it is so precious to watch you sing and dance to them. You dance in circles, twirl a full twirl without falling and smile the entire time.
*Always wants to watch "movies on the ipad" so mommy has to make sure the ipad is out of your reach and sight. Often you wander upstairs and find the ipad on our night stand and I hear Jake and the Neverland Pirates Intro playing.
*Loves doing what Anna does (Monkey see, monkey do). You are amazed by your big sister.
*Your worst trait is that you swat at people. You don't hit them, but you swat the air in their direction while saying "no" in a pretty gruff and mean voice. Mommy is starting to put you in time out when you do this to people. We are trying to get you to understand that people like you so they want to help you. This concept is quite hard for you to understand. I hope you outgrow it very soon.
*You love coloring, cutting with scissors (your parent as teacher says you cut better then some kindergarteners) and playing with stickers. I could literally leave for an hour and you would still be doing those 3 things with your sister.
*You love being outside and swinging on the swings.
*You still don't care for diaper changes but they are getting better. We are more closer to potty training but mommy wants to wait until after the baby.
*You are definitely a mommy's girl but you are letting Daddy in more and more. This makes him very happy. You told Daddy one day after spending an entire day with him that this was "the best day ever!!!"
*You talk about the baby in mommy's belly. You told Anna to "be careful Anna of mommy's belly. Baby inside" when she was laying on my belly.
*You are usually always smiling. You have an awesome and goofy sense of humor that is contagious.
*you FINALLY got the last 4 of your front teeth (the "fang" incisor ones!) They are almost completely in!


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