Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Old Time Photo

Rob made my day. My week. My month. My Life!

I have always wanted to do Old Time Family Photos with our family and this past weekend while in Branson, Rob sweated out an hour of his time to create this beauty....

Now I want to blow it up HUGE and put it on my family room mantle I love it that much :)

The girls did pretty good with the photos; they were really excited to wear a purple (Anna) and blue (Ashley) dress up dress (and they thought they looked like Plum Pudding and Blueberry Muffin from Strawberry Shortcake), play with pearls and the fan. The girl got a couple god ones of the girls alone and with one another but for the price of an 8 x 10 we just got the best family one. So much fun (except for the fact that my dress kind of stunk like BO... well I am hoping it was the dress and not me :) )

Much Love,

PS I look forward to doing it again when #3 can be in the pic!!!!


  1. Rob is so meant for you and 3 girls! Ashley's expression is my fave and you don't even look pregnant!!!!

  2. Thanks for the compliment Ash but rest assured... I am large and in charge!!!! :)
