Thursday, October 11, 2012

Happy 20 months old!

Here's what I"ve been up to the last month.... Mommy thinks that I am starting to look more and more like a kid and not a toddler- she says she thinks I sure am looking older but will always be her baby girl!! I mean look at all that hair!!!!!!!!!!!

*Still sleeping great at night and during nap. No changes from last month. I have always gone to bed very easily and still am. I say "night night" to mommy and Anna and give them lots of hugs and kisses and then blow them kisses on my way up the stairs. Then Daddy takes me up to my room to change me and read 3 books to me with my baba. Then he holds me for a little bit and I fall right asleep in my bed. I love my night night routine.
*I am still taking a sippy cup of milk in the morning, nap time and night time. I usually only come close to finishing the night time one and barely drink out of the nap time one.
*TONS of new words. Mommy thinks I have a vocabulary close to 100 words that I say pretty clearly. I am even combining words.... "Hold me" is my new favorite! Also saying "love you," "help me," and "hot dog."
*I love doing "excited" and "crazy." My entire body shakes!!!
*I think Peanut is hilarious and laugh at everything he does, even when he gets in trouble.
*I love to say "ME!!!!" and pretty much will scream it if you try to help me do something that I want to do on my own. I am a very strong willed, independent little lady. I have tons of energy and think I am pretty big stuff. I am also still asking "why" a lot!
*Favorite Books: I love you, good night and My mother is Mine. I really love Halloween books too. I love picking out the books for people to read to me. I also love reading to myself.
*I love puzzles and am really good at the ones where you match the pictures on top of each other. I have even started jigsaw ones and can do one really well with mommy's help.
*My favorite song right now is "Anything is possible" from Strawberry Shortcake. I even know a lot of the words (look out for a video soon)
*I giggle all the time and think a lot of things are REALLY funny!
*I love Mickey, Minnie Mouse, Strawberry Shortcake, Dopey, Snow White and Elmo!
*I am such a monkey.... I love climbing in, on and around anything.I love climbing up on top of my booster seat and behind it so that I am positioned between the booster and the back of the chair. Then I like to bounce on it. It scares mommy to death.
*I have a really hard head and you wouldn't believe the falls I withstand and how fast I bounce back. I just need a quick kiss on the boo boo spot and I am up and running again.
*I am a wild dare devil. Mommy thinks I will be at the emergency room any day (but hopes never!)
*I love taking care of my babies. I burp them, feed them, shush them, wipe and change their diapers and give them baths. I also dance with them.
*I love to dance, spin, twirl and hop
*I love being outside. I love trying to ride the big trike. Me feet don't touch the pedals yet but I can get it to move an inch or so. I want to ride a bike like Anna so bad,y.
*I still give the best kisses and BEST bear hugs!
*When you ask who are you? I say Ashley. And when mommy says who is me? I say mommy!
*Whenever I see letters, I say "A."
*I can walk up and down the stairs just fine but prefer mommy to "hold me" on the way up and down. Mommy is getting pretty sick of this.
*I am in a huge WHINE stage of my life. Mommy is hoping it's the 20 month old coming out in me and not my permanent personality. We will see :)
*When I get frustrated with Anna I sometimes hit her or pull her hair. This does not make mommy and daddy happy so I find myself in time out pretty quickly.

Life is going pretty good! I am a goofy and happy little girl who certainly loves life!


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