Wednesday, October 19, 2011

YMCA Trial Day 2

This morning we headed back to the YMCA to attempt Day 2 of the nursery.

Yesterday my sister in law shared this article, Toddlers and Learning To Say Goodbye, and I tried to follow it as much as I could. Last night Daddy, Anna and I talked about what was going to happen in the morning. When she woke up we talk about it again; she understood that mommy was going to run and she was going to play and mommy would be back after running. She knew that she would be with Ashley. She drank her bottle and ate some Cheerios and then she choose to bring Lambie and her Barney picture along. When we got to the Y we walk around together and I showed her where I would be. Then we went to the nursery where I spent about 5 minutes in it with her showing her all the cool toys and books. I forgot to mention that throughout this she was pretty much GLUED to my thigh! So when I said Goodbye, I asked for a kiss and a hug and then told her I'd be back soon.

"Mommy NO!!!! Momma! Mommy!" The yelling started but this time it stopped after 10 minutes. I was able to get in 30 minutes on the treadmill and stretch. I would have stayed longer but knew we had to get home for Ashley's nap.

So I headed back to the nursery and quietly looked for Anna. I heard no screaming so I was relieved and at first I couldn't find her because she was seated in a seat RIGHT BY THE DOOR. It looked like she was in timeout- she looked pretty miserable. When she finally noticed me behind her she got SO excited! I told her, "Mommy came back! I told you I would!" She said yes! I asked her if she liked it and if she had fun and she said yes...... I don't know if she really knew what exactly I said because the caretakers said she sat in the seat the ENTIRE time I was gone and just stared at everyone. I guess a little girl even came up and gave her a hug because Anna looked so sad. We will see how she responds the next couple of days; hopefully she will interact some with the other kids, toys or people. She did blow everyone kisses goodbye and waved so I guess that's a start!

As for Ashley, she was perfect. Apparently she started whining the last 5 or so minutes but I was expecting that since it was getting closer and closer to bed and eating time.

So pretty good for Day 2... I actually got a little workout in this time :) I must say it did feel good; it being the time to myself, not necessarily the workout!

Much Love,

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