Monday, October 3, 2011

2 years old

 A little late on the update but we've sure been busy celebrating my birthday!!!!

2 years ago you came into this world and made me a mommy. My life has never been the same and I cherish every moment we have shared. You are an amazing little lady and I can't wait to see the woman you become someday. But for now, let's rock out your year as a 2 year old!!!!!!

Oh and Congratulations - you've made it through two amazing years. And more fun is ahead!!!

Happy 2 years old to me! What a BIG girl I am! I used to take my monthly pictures on the rocking chair but this past attempt had mommy going crazy because I kept rocky rocking and acting like a clown instead of smiling, refer to pic below!!!

 So now the monthly pictures are taken in Ashley's chair!

Here's what I am doing these days as a big 2 year old!

*I LOVE being outside; I could spend all day out there. I love walks in the stroller, walking on walks, running around, playing on the playground, mowing the grass, playing with chalk, hopping and using my imagination (I try to scare away dragons with sticks!)
*I love dancing, lip singing using a spoon as a microphone and having music on. My favorite songs are Baby (Justin Bieber), Dancing Queen, The Twist, Hot Dog (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse), Barbara Anne.
*It seems like I call everything Baby-O after Justin Beiber. I calls the letters O and B, hearts and circles and boys that look anything like Justin "Baby-O."
*I still loves Barney "Ba" and Baby Bop (I can say Baby Bop!)
*I am doing absolutely AWESOME with potty training. I still wear a diaper at nap and night time. Most of the time I wake up from my nap with a dry diaper. I maybe have a couple of accidents a week; I usually catch myself before they make too much of a mess and finish going on the potty. These accidents usually occur when I am completely consumed in a certain activity or when I gets REALLY excited.
*In the bath tub I am finally laying on my back so mommy and daddy can wash my hair more easily.
*I am adding new words to my vocab all the time. I am talking in 3 word sentences that mommy and daddy understand about half the time. I am starting to finish 2 syllable words and even starting to say words with 3 syllables. It gets frustrating because my tongue can't quite get around every word which can make it hard for people to understand me. But Mommy and Daddy have no worries about my speech because it improves every day! Mommy says the most common things I say are: "What's that?" "I like that." "No Momma, Stay." "Daddy. No. Me." and "Mommy. No. Me." The last two are just because I like to do everything by myself!
*I LOVE to help around the house with chores; putting detergent and clothes in washer, feeding peanut, letting peanut outside, vacuuming and dusting with mommy, raking leaves, windexing windows like CRAZY, watering outside plants with watering can, and I also want to help wash dishes (but instead plays with bubbles),
*I can identify and say all the letters of the alphabet. I am even beginning to sing the ABC's with mommy; I echo each letter when she sings and I even fill in letters when she pauses. I LOVE my letters!
*I am very independent and hard headed when it comes to doing anything.
*I am a good eater. I love my fruits and vegetables. I don't really care for meats; I'd rather eat cheese, tofu, almonds and eggs instead. Lunch is usually my largest meal.
*I am still sleeping great. I get anywhere from 10 1/2- 12 hours of sleep a night. I occasionally wake in the middle of the night but can calm myself down. Mommy knows when I have had a good nights sleep because I wake up talking and not crying.
*I am still taking a nap. I usually go down around 1 and sleep 1 1/2-2 hours.
*I love my sister Ashley but get frustrated that she is starting to play with my toys. I get put in timeout about once a day (sometimes more) for hitting her, stepping on her, or not being nice to her. I always give her kisses to say I'm sorry. I also always give her night night kisses and hugs. I do love her, she just frustrates me sometimes.
*When I laugh I bow raspberries just like mommy does with me. I also hunch my back over and do a "hehehe" into my hands- sucha  girly girl laugh :)

Mommy read this about 2 year olds.....

As your child becomes more and more his own person, you'll see yourself, your spouse, and your families reflected in his likes, mannerisms, and speech.

Daddy would rephrase that by saying at this age, "Anna looks like Daddy and is a Daddy's girl but WOW does she have mommy's personality."


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