Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ashley Naps

So up until about two weeks ago, Ashley was going to bed around 7:30, waking at 4:30 to eat for 10 minutes and back to sleep until 6-7. Then during the day we would be lucky for her to take 30 minute naps... sometimes 3 times a day and sometimes 4. These 30 minute naps had just started when she was around 7 1/2 months old (before then one of her naps was at least an hour).

We were wanting to improve the nap lengths because frankly this momma needs a break! We had read somewhere about moving bedtime up to increase nap length during the day. Something about the front sleep being more beneficial to the back sleep?? I don't understand it, but it seems to be working.

So for 2 weeks now, she has been going to bed around 6:30 and we have gotten her to the stage of waking at 6/6:30 to eat and sometimes falling back asleep. No more getting her (unless she is in horrible pain of course), she is more then capable of going 12 hours without food... she is on her own! I seriously think this is the most excruciating thing I have experienced as a parent so far but I know it pays off in the long haul with kids and their sleep habits. It's just so hard to do.We had done it earlier to phase out her night feedings, but this one seems much harder.

So now during the day she eats every 2 hours (4 times breast milk alternating with food; she's eating breakfast, lunch and dinner). She sleeps every 3 hours since she last woke up and her naps last anywhere from 45 min- 1 1/2 hours (usually around the hour mark). This allows for an afternoon overlap with Anna's nap which = a break for MOMMY!

The hardest thing about this new schedule is that daddy barely gets to see Ashley when he gets home from work.

Much Love,

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