Saturday morning Daddy took me on my first 5K and guess what??? I WON! I beat DADDY!!!!!
You see Daddy ran and I rode in the stroller so when we passed the finish line I crossed it before him! We had so much fun. The race was called Race for the Future and it was for the Lee's Summit Educational Foundation that Grammy in very active in. The run took us a little over 28 minutes to run 3.2 miles and we would have finished much faster but Daddy got stuck behind walkers for the first mile (we should have gotten there earlier but I HAD to use the potty- oops!) which really set us back in getting a good spot with the runners. We learned for next time....
Then after the 5K I got to run my own race! Click to see
I ran in the preschool division and was one of the youngest ones in my heat. Daddy helped me warm up for the race by running around with me on the football field and doing somersaults in the end zone. We had so much fun and he didn't tire me out because I sure ran well in the race trying to catch up to Daddy so we would hold me!! As for the race, I did REALLY well except for the fact that I wanted Daddy to run holding me so I was pretty much chasing him. But guess what?!?!? I got a really cool first place ribbon.
Our Number 1 fan!!! Ashley also had the fan club0 3 little girls who literally were inches from her snotty face the entire time... Ashley has a REALLY bad runny nose! |
The final stretch! Bunny even got to come along for the ride! |
Grammy was trying to pin my number on for my race but I wanted NOTHING to do with that number! they finally got it on my back without me knowing. |
Daddy's Pep Talk |
Warming up in the end zone for my run! |
On your mark..... |
Get set.... |
Winner winner chicken dinner!!! I got my very own ribbon- YEA! |
I can't wait to do another run again! Maybe mommy and Ashley will be able to do it with us.
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