Two Tuesdays ago, Ashley woke up with a bloddly ear and blood on her pillow.
What we thought was a burst pimple mixed with swimmers ear turned out to be something else. So the day after we went to the care clinic Ashley had a low grade fever all day and bloody ooze was still coming out of her ear.
Fearful that the emds weren't working we got into her doctor that evening to have her take a look at it. Needless to say the doctor couldn't see into the ear canal there was so much infection and blood.
She disagnosed Ashley with a ruptured eardrum (even though she couldn't comfirm it) and put her on amoxicillan. Lucky for us the next morning it was so much better and the fevers were gone!
Earier this week (a week after it had all happened) we went back to get it checked by her doctor. Her doctor had originaly told us to wait 3 weeks before coming back but this little girl was wanting to swim!!!!! And I am glad we went back.
The doctor looked at her ear twice. The first time she saw a teeny, tiny hole in her ear drum and the second time she saw nothing. She told us that Ashley has no limitations and she is allowed to swim; she just wouldn't reccommend swimming in a dirty lake. To be on the safe side, the doctor reccommended wax ear plugs and a swim cap for when she is swimming.
This made her day (and mine!) Turns out taking the yucky medicine (it was a struggle the first 2 or 3 days to get her to take it) paid off :)
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