Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Abby's First and Second Day

Oh dear Abby. I believe you were put in our family to make life exciting.....

See those smiles?? I think that was before she learned what school was really about :) I dropped her off first (per her request) and she kept saying happily "Mommy bye home. Abby school," over and over and over again. So I thought she understood it.....

Ashley and I walked out of her room and she was good, to good. The day out room is always chaotic the first couple of days at drop off so I was on high alert since that drop off was not what I was expecting. So I dropped off Ashley and then walked towards the day out room to hear for Abby's cried or expecting to see her running towards me. Instead I notice two little toes starting to peek out of the doorway. And then I see feet and purple pant. And then little Abby slowly starts walking out the door, on step at a time looking back behind her at her class, around at others walking in and then slowly and slyly takes a step towards escaping. And get this. She makes it all the way down the day out hallway (15 feet or so) until one of my friends sees her and tell her to turn around. All bloody hell brakes loose. The child is kicking, screaming, yelling and I appear and she is clinging to me like the worse case of static cling I have ever had. 

I walk her back to the day out room, tell the teachers about her sly get away, and them am stuck there a good 10 minutes until she starts to separate a inch from me. I explain to hear I am coming back, she says "mommy no" and then mommy guilt hits in. She is only 2 and 1/4 years old for crying out loud..... she's a baby!!! I start thinking that I should have waited until January because she will be older and more ready then. Both her sisters were so much older when they started day out. But I know it's good for her so I slowly hand her to a teacher and jet out the door hearing my baby girl shriek and cry and shriek some more. I make it to my car in near tears (and I have never cried at drop off- I am usually so glad to be dropping them off :)) when a teachers follows me out the door to tell me that she is now happy and done crying. This makes me feel better.

Then I go to pick up and see this.....

Serious cuteness. None of my girls ever napped at Day out... none of them. This sweet baby was sleeping along with 7 of her friends in the bright lights among adults talking. She was zonked. And then I get the Abby report.....

"She is nothing like her sisters," is how it begins. Oh no. Oh no. She's just SO young!! They go into how she was resistant to their direction several times, wouldn't sit down during snack or lunch, wouldn't line up, wouldn't sleep and was apparently trying to wake everyone up during nap. She finally zonked out while being rocked in the rocking chair 40 minutes into nap time. The teachers said she has a lot to learn and that she will get used to this. One teacher then told me they were coming up with Plan D and Plan E for Abby. OH my dear Abby.....

But look at how proud of her art she was that first day :)

So needless to say we talked a LOT about school during the next week. We really hit it hard with listening to mommy, daddy and ANY adult. As tired as we were at dinner and lunch, we held her to sitting in her seat. And we talked about expectations of the school day; lay on your mat, line up when teacher asks, stay in seat, mommy comes back, etc.....

And I am happy to report.... he second day report card- A+++ They said she was a rock star!!!! And it didn't hurt that she got to see her most precious Ahhh- E (Ashley) on the playground! (photos thanks to her teacher!)

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