Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Crown Town Ale

Boulevard Brewery made a limited edition beer to commemorate the Royals victorious season, named Crown Town Ale, and it released today.

At 9 am. And we had swimming at 9 am. For some reason this caused panic. For normal people they would just get to the store when they could get there. To me, it was killing me thinking that I could be missing the last bottle....... but no fear here, this story has a happy ending!

Being determined to get my hands on this, I started calling around to liquor stores during Ashley's swim lesson and found the places that had it in stock already, getting it in stock later in the day and getting it in stock Thursday/Friday. Then when Ashley was done swimming, I took my leads and the girls and I went on a beer run :)

Now being that this is something that is perfect for gifts around holiday time, my sister wanted me to get her 3 bottles and I wanted close to 6 (some friends had asked me to pick some up). But there was a per person limit and meant that we had to go to 2 different liquor stores. We ran to the first and scored 4 bottles and then scored 2 more at the next. We hope to make it out Thursday and Friday morning when some other stores around the area get their shipments because after tasting it, I want more.

We cracked open one of the bottles with dinner tonight. If you like Boulevard Wheat, you would like this. It is a lighter Wheat and reminds me of summertime; baseball in the summertime :) I think that was what they were hoping for :)

Now it is not something I would drink every week because it is expensive- turns out to be around $6.75 for 8 oz. But it was fun drinking something and remembering how much fun this past October was. We just loved watching the Royals! Oh and it kept me buzzed for over a good 2 hours :) So if you see a bottle out there, buy it. I'll pay you back :)

Beer run and doughnuts (the doughnuts were bought after we scored the 6 bottles of beer. There was no time to waste on doughnuts :))


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