Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Happy 32 months old

Happy 32 months Ashley!

Here is what I've been up to this month!

*Whine, whine and more whining. I am definitely right smack dab in the middle of my terrible two's! (But aren't I cute?)
*I have been telling mommy lately that I don't want to go to preschool because I don't like it or my teachers. when she picks me up I always run to her yelling I LOVE preschool!! I just like to make mommy nervous :)
*Two of my 2 year old molars have come in on the bottom jaw- 2 more to go :)
*I am still a hard core mommies girl and prefer that she put me to sleep.
*I still LOVE my paci's and sleep with as many as I can get my hands on.
*Eating great without my bad tooth (I get my new tooth Thursday). I can now eat english muffins not cut up, corn ON THE COBB, apples not cut up and other hard foods. This makes me so happy! I am also loving milk so much lately.
*I am sleeping great but occasionally visit mommy and daddy's bed in the wee morning hours only to be returned to my bed by them when I fall asleep. The other night when mommy and daddy went to bed they found me snuggled up on their pillows in their bed fast asleep!
*I weigh around 30 pounds (according to the doctor last week at Abby and Anna's check up)
*I still love puppy dogs, snow white and jake and the neverland pirates. I also am starting to like playing with baby dolls more and more. Anna and I love playing pretend house, we love dancing to music and just playing! I still love puzzles, books, movies and love the color blue!
*I really like children's tylenol and ask for the little purple things a lot. I have even tried to get some by telling mommy and daddy that my head hurts (it didn't work).
*I am still really picky with what I wear and I love wearing "beautiful dresses," the color blue and Anna's clothes.

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. 32 months?!? How did that happen? I feel like she just turned 2! so cute :)
