We love you so very much!
Here's what she's been up to this month.
*Sleeping is the same as last month. She usually appears by our bed at 6 am and then climbs in and snuggles until ann comes in around 6:30/7. This past month she has appeared in our room randomly throughout the night (we return her to her room when we find her) and we have found her passed out on the floor and even in our bed at 3 am when I wake to feed Abby. She is still taking a good 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hour daily nap around 1 pm.
*She is starting to eat more and more of the stuff that we make for ourselves for dinner. Her favorites are cheese, artichokes, red pepper, yogurt, bananas, cereal, berries, popcorn and any junk food.
*Potty training has been going well. She did great for the first 4 weeks with pee but the last week she has regressed a bit. The last 2 days she has been awesome with telling us when she has to go, going on her own and keeping her panties dry. We are still working on getting the poop in the potty.
*When we were at her dentist appointment we found out that her 2 year old molars are coming in- fingers crossed that it is accounting for some of her whinniness.
*She has been extremely whiny this month but then again if I was in need of a root canal, teething with my molars, 2 1/2, getting used to a younger sibling, getting used to a big girl bed and getting used to not having paci's during the day I guess I would whine too.
*She is still a cuddle bug
*She is hilarious. What a feisty, happy, loving and humorous personality she has.
*She loves calling everything by it's shortened name- Abby (Abs), Anna (Ain), Peanut (Peni), Puppy dog (pup pup), Grama (Gam), etc. It is hilarious how she uses these short names ALL the time. She likes to be called puppy dog.
*Absolutely loves her sisters. She and Anna are becoming so close and love to play with each other (also love to bug and antagonize each other)
*This past month her biting Anna really got out of control (she would never bite hard but once or twice there were bite marks). After trying everything we resorted to soap. After 2 times of soap in the mouth there has been no biting for the last week. Fingers crossed that I don't need to bring it back out (I HATED doing it but had to rid the biting someway). She has gotten better with the swatting but still occasionally does it.
*She is such a fluent speaker but lately has been moaning and groaning and shrieking instead of using words when disagreeing with Anna.
*Her favorite things are: puppy dogs, snow white, cinderella, coloring, books, movies, music, bear lovey, pretty shoes, pretty dresses and of course, PACI!
*She LOVES to wear Anna's clothes. Ashley is very impressive in that she can wear outfits ranging from 18 months to 4T :)
We love you so much little puppy dog! You bring so many smiles into our lives!
Much Love,
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