Saturday, April 21, 2012


Our favorite thing about living at Grama and Papa Fimmen's house is their swing. We absolutely love it and would spend every waking second (even if it was raining) swinging in it. It just is hard to find someone to push us all day but when we do, we get pushed high. SO high that we can touch the leaves with our feet and sometimes Anna can reach and grab them with her hands! CRAZY! And whenever we are on the screened in porch we want to go out and swing ASAP! Anna always asks to go outside but Ashley does more of a grunt and point. But don't worry, we know what she wants!

And believe it or not, we are really good at taking turns. And guess who is the best big sister ever? Anna! She loves to push Ashley on the swing and when Ashley's turn is nearing an end, Anna even counts to 10 to let Ashley know her turn is over. What a great big sister!

such hard work!

I LOVE this picture!

And where does Ashley go when Anna is pushing? Well to the outside chairs to climb ALL over them!

And what does Anna do when she's not pushing Ashley????

Play with the best $2 mommy has ever spent; her green ball!


And when that gets old......

Chase Peanut. Who, by the way, is in heaven with this huge backyard and us being outside 24/7! Niow we just need his new bark collar to be delivered (last one broke!)

Well, we better go swing :)

Anna and Ashley


  1. We're enjoying the nicer weather, too! Who is that scruffy dog? He actually looks bigger than Minners ... and we all know that isn't the case :)
