Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Yesterday, Peanut had a what the vet is calling a seizure. Since I am still horrified at the thought of him having another one, I am having a hard time dealing with the matter. The vet did say that some dogs only have one and never another one in their lifetime, so fingers crossed that is true for Peanut.

After what lasted around 8 minutes at it's worst (his entire body flapping around like a penguin on it's belly- in my arms and on the floor), the whole seizure episode lasted just over 30 minutes- Peanut was finally a calm version of himself 40 minutes after the fact. Luckily Rob was able to make it home from work to be with us for the last part.

So, what can be done? The vet took some blood work last night and we get the results back either today or tomorrow. We are also in the process of changing him over to a new dog food- $45 for 15 pounds of it- holy cow! The dog food (Orijen- is made up of wild caught and never frozen salmon, whitefish and other fish. It has 40% protein (opposed to his last food which had 20%) The vet said this food has had a positive impact on others dogs that he sees that also have seizures. FINGERS CROSSED that the blood work comes back good (or with something that's easy and inexpensize to fix) and that the food works.

If it doesn't work, the vet mentioned acupuncture, Chinese herbs, MRI and CT scans. As for venturing into those $$$$$ options, we have not yet decided. I have always thought that people who spend obscene amounts of money and do things like acupuncture on their pets are crazy.... UNTIL reality hit that I might actually have to make a decision concerning my baby, Peanut.

I just hope it was a freak out seizure and that Peanut never has to experience that again....

Much Love and Think GOOD Thoughts for Nuts,


  1. Minnie & I thought about you all night. Well ... OK ... I thought about you two all night & Minnie continued to saw logs on the couch under blankets! :)

  2. Oh no!!! I'll say an extra prayer for peanut tonight. Hope he feels better!!
