Everyone knows of my "LOVE" for Rob's 5 foot tall by 7 foot wide fish tank that sits in my dining room. It sits in the EXACT location of the hutch I have dreamed about having in my first real home. Well much to my liking, the hutch is a dream and the fish tank is a reality...........
Rob has very creatively introduced Anna to the tank; calling the dying and decaying fish in it her fish. And for some reason, she seems to really like it (I think she likes the bubbles). Well, the angel fish has a cloudy eye (he's probably dying) and the two suckerfish are about 12 inches long and the only thing they add to the tank are strings of long poop. Can you feel my love for the thing?
Well, after 1 and a half years of hinting for the removal of the fish tank from my dining room.... it remains. I continue to sit at the table with my back to it while I eat my meals because the fish are ugly and at times they make me gag. Against all wishes, I have a feeling it will remain in that spot (we don't even know how and where we would move it- and no one bought it off craigs list) until the day we sell this house.
So... I have reached the point of acceptance because there really is no other option. So with acceptance comes the beautification process (Remember Rome wasn't built in one day) which occurred yesterday afternoon/evening.....
3:45: "Rob let's go get Anna some fish to make this thing somewhat less disgusting."
5:00: In Petsmart we select a new baby suckerfish, 3 guppies and 3 silver dollar fish
5:15: I read a pamphlet which says angel fish are semi aggressive and they like to eat little fish. Well- crap- we bought little fish!
5:45: We release suckerfish into the tank- he attaches to the wall immediately to feast on the eons of algae buildup..... he survives the transition. I find this guy the cutest even though he grows up to be so ugly.... pretty in the cradle, ugly at the table much!!!
5:50: We release the silver dollar fish.... silver dollar fish #3 looks very ill and hides in a corner for a long time
5:51: The angelfish becomes curious.....
5:55: We release the guppies into the tank... they scurry to the top
5:56: We realize that our angel fish is aggressive and starts to chase all the new fish around the tank... we have a bully..... we name him DARK ANGEL.
6:00: Red guppy 1 and 2 get stuck in the filter...... Rob starts sweating....
6:15: We eat dinner while watching all this happen. I swear to you the angel fish was going to eat the little guys.
6:20: One of the guppies gets out of the filter on it's own... a couple minutes later Rob saves the other one.
6:30: We feed all the fish- they were HUNGRY!
7:00: The sick silver dollar starts to look better
Between 7 and bedtime, Rob would walk by the fish tank, admiring his new addition, and think.... my wife rocks!
9:00: We go up to bed and take a look at the tank. All the new fish are hiding. GREAT, I think.... it looks exactly the same as it did before Petsmart....And I feel a rush of hopelessness come over me.
9 am: I wake to find all the new fish healthy and swimming around (apparently Rob had to save guppy #1 and #2 from the filter again)...... still doesn't look that much better. We'll probably run back and fill it with more fish soon! I guess I probably should admit that I kind of have a soft spot for the silver dollar fish; but they would look SO MUCH BETTER IN MY BASEMENT :)
Anyone need a 7 foot 80 plus gallon fish tank???????
......if I were a fish I'd be a sucker fish......I can't wait until I finally get my dining room hutch!
Much Love,
This is hilarious!
ReplyDeleteTell Rob that I think Anna is going to be a marine biologist when she grows up! Her passion for fish started with her Dad's love of his fish tank. She'll move somewhere warm where her parents can come vacation & spend time on the water with her! It's perfect! :)
It's only funny because it's not in YOUR living room :)