Another Update on Me!
At 4 Months Old I am.....
REALLY loving to suck two of my fingers- pointer and middle- or anyone's finger I can get in my mouth! I still do not like pacifiers.
I am beginning to drool more.
I love to hold onto mommy's necklace when she's holding me.
I laugh with NO sound! I have started to giggle a couple of times out loud.
I smile with my WHOLE mouth! It's one big wide open smile!!!
I have outgrown my 3-6 month footed sleepers and are now in 6-9 month ones. My 3-6 months clothes still fit but not my sleepers- I am a very long girl!
I can sit like a folded taco for a couple of seconds.
I ALWAYS want to be sitting up- no laying down for me :)
I LOVE my fish tank, shopping, watching Peanut; still love my swing, TV and books.
During the day I nap after being awake every 2-3 hours. This usually gives me 3 naps. My favorite place to nap is my swing (I sleep very long there) and don't like napping in my bed.
Happy 4 months old to me!
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