Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Last week the girls went to the dentist. And to our surprise, the best cooperator (the one who was really perfect for the dentist) was:

Abby even volunteered to go first when Ashley started getting all emotional and weird about the dentist in her mouth. And Abby rocked it; even letting them do the tube sucker!

Then we proceeded to her sister. Took her forever to let them polish her mouth. And when we got to the fluoride treatment she shut her mouth so tight they couldn't do it. So we were moved to another room after she threw a complete fit and finally let me put it on her teeth 10 minutes later. ..

Nothing like a trip to the dentist with this one...

And this one giggled the entire time they polished her teeth. And she kept wiggling her toes whenever they touched her teeth- it was pretty funny. Unsure of the sucker tube she gave in and let them since we told her Abby and Ashley did it early.

These trips to the dentist take it all out of me but at least we were cavity free!!!!!

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