Saturday, March 21, 2015

We have a 2 wheel bike rider!!!

Today it happened. Anna learned to ride a two wheeler.

We had been talking all week about how this weekend was going to be all about learning to ride her bike with Daddy. And she was so excited.

Daddy and Anna spent close to an hour in the morning learning how to balance her bike without pedals. Anna was patient, persistent, determined and a great learner. She did get tired towards the end of that hour but she really did give it her all. After that first hour she was gliding down our cul de sac with ease and beginning to get comfortable with the pedals back on. The hardest part for her was figuring out to start the bike while getting on the pedals (BTW Daddy did a superb job teaching this part to her!). She showed a little frustration at this point but it was more like she felt like she didn't know what to do now that the pedals were on. She never said that it was too hard and she never was discouraged; she was so eager to keep trying. Any time we asked her if she wanted to try again, or if she wanted to go back out and bike, she always said yes. She was bound and determined to learn!

After a lunch and mid afternoon break, we headed outside before dinner to practice what she had learned. And no kidding. She was biking on her own within a couple of tries. It's like something clicked during the afternoon break. She was so proud; smiling so big. She came running to me and hugged me and then ran back to Daddy and hugged him while thanking him. It was a pretty big deal; she was a pretty big deal.

She continued practicing at getting more comfortable with the bike and by the end of the night she was biking with one of the neighbors. A lot of people drove by and cheered her on, she had the biggest smile!! Right before heading in for the night she biked from our house to the cul de sac and back, never stopping. WOW. These kids sure do learn fast!!!!

We are so proud of her; especially with how patient, determined, kind to us, persistent and hard working she was throughout the entire process. Way to go Anna Banana!!!!

PS I guess she asked Daddy if she could bike everyday. Daddy said he wasn't sure but probably most days. She then told him, "But mommy said I have to practice everyday!!!!" So cute that she took that literally; I did say that but meant she had to continue practicing every couple days to continue to get more comfortable with the bike. I have a feeling she will be out their everyday she can!

PSS I guess her two neighbor friends (Clare and Lucy) were talking about when Anna would be off training wheels. They both said by the end of Spring Break. Anna was so proud to show them that she was ready to ride with them, training wheel free!

It got hot so we had to change clothes :) These must have been lucky bike riding clothes because she was up and riding in no time :)

 The dress got dirty from the back wheel so we had to change clothes again!!!
 SO excited and proud to be biking like the big girls!!!!!

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