Friday, May 10, 2013

37 weeks


How is mama doing?

Happy happy happy to be full term!!!!

I have developed carpal tunnel during the last week and it's a pain. If I sleep on my right side at all (which is going to happen because I can't sleep on my left side the entire night; plus the position of the baby sometimes leaves me no choice but to lay on my right side) I wake up throughout the night and in the morning with my entire right hand and right arm (up to my shoulder) numb. I am so numb I can't even bend at the elbow or squeeze my hands. After elevating for some time it gets back to normal. I have used a wrist brace the last two nights and it is helping... I still have a little bit of numbness but I can live with the amount. I had developed carpel tunnel on my left hand after Ashley was born and it lasted a good 9 months. I just hope this isn't going to last that long!

I am also swollen like a polish sausage. Literally so swollen at times that it hurts to bend my fingers. I am drinking as much water as I can but then that elevates the issue of going to the bathroom every 30 minutes. What a pure joy pregnancy is :)

And I'm happy to announce that I have 3 things left on my to do list (now my to do list never includes cleaning so I also have the weekly cleaning to do each week).

How is baby doing?

Baby girl is still moving around and I feel as though she is getting lower each day. I have not been in as much pain this week as I was the last, so that is nice.

We went to our 37 week appointment yesterday and can report that I am 75% thinned and dialated 2 cm. Wait one more week patient little baby girl... mommy wants to see Anna off to her last day of day out next Wednesday snf I have three craft projects I'd like to conquer! :)

Much Love,

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