Saturday, November 10, 2012

21 months old

Happy 21 months old Ashley!

Even thought she wanted to take them all looking like this....

She has done TONS this past month, TONS!

*She is sleeping the same. she occasionally wakes up a little early (around 5:15 ish) and falls back asleep when I got an lay on the floor next to her. She is napping really well; around 2 hours every day.
*I didn't think she could get any more picky, but WOW she's picky. And eats like a bird. Fruit, edamame, crackers, cookies and mac and cheese are her favorites. Her favorite meal is breakfast and loves yogurt (yoyort).
*Still LOVES paci!
*She is talking so much and so well. She has an amazing (pretty clear) vocabulary and easily has over 100 words and sounds and will repeat, or attempt to repeat, anything you ask her to say. She is combining two words to say words like Good night, Hold You, Hold me and Love you. She is very animated with her speech and it cracks me up.
*She counts- 1,2 on everything she sees two of (especially my eyes). She will also count with you- 1,2 on her own, repeats 3,4, says 5, 6 all by herself, repeats 7, says 8 by herself and repeats 9,10. It is pretty cute.
*She knows some colors (purple, red, blue, pink) and reads some letters (A,B) and numbers (1,2,8). When she sees words she looks at me, drags her finger left to right and says, "say?!?!"
*OBSESSED with Snow White, "white," and Doc McStuffins "Doc." She has only seen parts of snow white once and doc mcstuffins a lot more. But we see both of them all the time with puzzles, toys and books. And this kid is obsessed with giving doctor check ups on her toys and with DOPEY too!
*She is starting to finally say "cheese" to pictures and look when you ask.
*Says "self" when she wants to do anything by herself, which is everything. I guess it's a little less annoying then "me" (which she still says but just not as much as self!)
*Loves to take pants, diapers, shoes, socks and shirts off (even though she can't figure out the arms). also loves to put on Anna's panties (she is pretty good at this), pants and shoes.
*She is really good at telling us when she has pooped. Changing her is another story (but becoming a little easier then past months- it just depends on her mood!)
*She is so strong. She bumps her head and falls all the time. All she needs is a quick kiss from mommy and she bounces back. Even on the hardest of falls.
*Favorite toys are puzzles, books, Minnie Mouse, Strawberry shortcakes cat, custard, and dog, pupcake, Dopey, stethoscope, purses and snow white costume.
*Can draw circles
*She is beginning to respond to me counting 1,2,3 and then putting her in timeout. She does NOT like timeout. The counting has helped with her doing the things that she insists on doing herself (like buckling the car seat, or getting into her booster) go much faster.
*She is extremely independent and most days I feel like I am dealing with someone who is at least 2 1/2 years old. I never thought BOTH girls would be so independently stubborn.
*She is a MOMMY'S girl. She wants me all the time and really knows how to push Daddy's buttons!
*Still hates when people touch her ears (unless it's Papa finding m and m's in them) and will NOT let me put her hair in a pony tail. Believe me, it's long enough and I'm trying!

Much Love,

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