Thursday, March 8, 2012

13 months

Happy 13 months to me!
*I am still sleeping great (I have great sleeping habits!) I usually go to bed around 7 (6:30 if I have had no afternoon nap) and sleep until 6-7 in the morning. If i wake up before 6:30 I get my morning bottle and usually fall back asleep pretty easily until after 7. If I wake up after 6:30 I get my morning bottle and am pretty much up for the rest of the day. It is common for me to make noises during the night, sometimes lasting 1-2 minutes but I usually don't scream to where mommy or daddy needs to come get me.
*Napping is going well. I think I will be going down to one nap pretty soon (we are all SUPER excited about this because it means that we have a longer time period in the morning to go to fun places like the zoo!) My first nap is around 10:30 and lasts 1 - 1 1/2 hours. My second nap happens around 3:30 and it lasts 30-45 minutes. This one is harder for mommy to get me down; she usually has to sway me to drowsiness!
*This month has seen a dramatic decrease in the amount of solid food I want to eat. As of the middle of month I was drinking all whole milk. I held onto the morning feedings from mommy for 2 weeks after I turned one- it was easier for mommy then putting milk in bottle in the morning. Started the month drinking around 12 oz total, now up to 20 oz. (5 at each feeding). Hopefully I am not getting to full on whole milk and that is why I am not eating as much. My favorites are any fruit, mac and cheese, hot dogs, cheese, yogurt, cereal bars, goldfish and Gerber cookies.
*I am talking more and more. I call robots "bod," books "boo",  pacifier "paapaa," says "pow," says mama and dada, "bra" for peanut and have called papa by his name.I am also learning to communicate with sign language; I have just learned "more" and do it pretty good :)
*I am starting to really LOVE the bath, was never a huge fan for or against it before.When we do bubble baths I try to blow bubbles in the bath (just like Anna) and when I do I come up with a bubble beard from all the bubbles. Mommy and Daddy think I am so goofy!
*I am a climbing machine- in and out of baskets, boxes and up and down on EVERYTHING! I can slide down stairs on belly (thanks to the teachings of Anna!) I have gone 2/3 the way down the stairs so far.
*I shake my head no and push away food when I don't want it. I am also still throwing food off my high chair and that makes mommy and daddy mad because Peanut eats it and gets sick.
*I still LOVE music and love to spin around and around in circles when I dance. I get SO dizzy!
*I LOVE my bear blanket. I need it to sleep with. I love doing "bear bombs" on it. these consist of throwing my body straight on top of him and rubbing my nose on him!
*I am getting better at being left at the gym. the last couple of times I haven't cried and have even been able to be put on the ground to play. I used to cry anytime someone wasn't holding me.
*I purr and whine like a puppy dog (this has given me a nickname of puppy dog). Ask me what a puppy, snake and fish do. For a dog I pant  like a dog when you ask me or when I see one (or anything that looks close to a dog). For a snake I stick my tongue in and out. For a fish I make the fishy sounds using my tongue against my lips. Mommy and Daddy think it's TOO cute!
*I love to zip zippers up and down. I LOVE to open up the bottom of her Lambie stuffed animal.
*My favorite toys: ring stackers, pop up animal toys, recycle truck, books, Anna puzzles and anything Anna is playing with.I am also very good at bringing Anna's favorite Bunny blanket to her (I used to try and keep it for myself).
*My favorite books are Baby Animals (I love the flaps), Goodnight Gorilla, Red Hat, Blue Hat and any paper page book that Anna might have.
*I can make a tower by stacking 3 blocks; even though I lovs to knock over mommy's big block towers better- HUGE giggles when mommy says CRASH! I am really good at the stacking rings too.
*I have such a pleasant, easy going, sweet, goofy, loving and fun personality. Mommy and Daddy love seeing it grow everyday.


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