Sunday, December 12, 2010

Animal Noises

I love animals and I love the sounds they make!

On the drive home from Dallas, mommy taught me new animal sounds. It was so much fun!

If mommy asks me what:

a cow says, I say "Muuu"
a penguin says, I say "aight aight aight" in a really high pitched voice
a lamb or lambie says, I say "Baaaa" (I am just starting to do this one)

Before the trip, I could already tell you what:
a lion says, I say "roar"
a doggie or brother says, I pant like a dog
a fishie says, I make a fishie sound by brushing my lips with my hand while humming
a monkey says, I say "ha ha ha"
a squirrel says "ekkk"

Here I am looking for squirrels!

I can't wait to learn more!


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