Here are a couple highlights in addition to my monthly blog entries....
*I have my fourth front bottom tooth and 4 molars... it was a painful month! That makes 12 teeth in all!
*I can go up and down the stairs by myself and while I can do it rather fast, I like to take my time and go as slow as possible just to bug mommy.
*When frustrated or tired, I open my mouth to bite but I don't actually bite down. I just put my mouth on that person. Mommy tells me that biting is not nice and that we don't bite people. That will be my new years resolution......
*My best friends are still Lambie and bunny blanket
*I am resisting my second nap but mommy and daddy still put me down in the afternoon for quite time. I usually don't fall asleep and cry most of the time. The last couple days, they have only put me down once though....
*I am still sleeping great through the night- just around 11 hours
*I love music and dance like crazy whenever I hear it.
*I love looking at pictures of friends and family and can point out me, mommy, daddy, peanut, my cousins Henry, Kate, Tom and Meghan, Grandma, Papa, Grammy, Poppy and my buddy Cooper.
*I have loved watching Santa on the computer all month singing Jingle Bells and it has become part of my morning routine.
*I love baths, brushing my teeth and hanging out in the bathroom.
*My new words are "WOW", "Duack" for quack says the duck and "sduck" for stuck
*I like to wash my own hair in the bath. I am allowed to put shampoo on my hands and wash my hair (daddy helps A LOT though!)
*I love looking at the Christmas cards we get in the mail and my favorite one is of Cooper and Santa. Cooper was crying during his picture with his mouth open. Mommy asks me what Cooper does and I show a HUGE open mouth! She laughs every time!
*This past week mommy started doing "1...2...3" with me to get me to listen to her. She does not like when I stand on chairs and couches or play on the stairs because I can fall (and I have fallen) and hurt myself. So she says, Get on bottom....One.... Two.... and on Three she comes and puts me on my bottom if I have not sat on my own. I usually sit on my own about half the time but want her to come get me the other half. I also mock her and put one finger in the air when she says one.... she doesn't really know how effective this is and might have to move on to timeout... what is timeout?!?!
*I can now find my nose but I LOVE honking mommy and daddy's the best!I even say "honk" when I do it!
*Ask me what a car says... I say "Beep! Beep!" I love it when we honk the car's horn... I want more and more!
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