Friday, August 20, 2010

"White" hairs....

I don't know if it is because my 30th birthday is beginning to breathe down my neck OR if it's from the fact that the last 2 weeks of our lives have been 2 of the most stressful in our marriage OR if it's because I dread meal time with my daughter who is pretty much throwing EVERYTHING on the floor. Hummmmm.... could it be all three?!?!?!

Regardless of the cause, I can no longer conceal my "white" hairs that are sprouting all over my head like weeds in a damp field. I mean just when I pluck one, there's 12 others to be plucked within an inch. I started finding these"white" hairs after my first year of teaching- I was 23. And since then, I would pride myself on the fact that I can hide them VERY well. Whether it was the strategic placement of my bobby pins or they just got lost in my thick curls, I was ok with these white hairs... I really was.

But now the only solution is hair dye. It's going to be like high school again where the color looks SO good on the box and then I have bright copper hair and people will call me penny jenny. OR it comes out too dark and my dad tells me he likes my original hair color better (ummmmm... when dad notices, that is code for your hair looks like crap!) So please help me hair gods- either make my entire head bright white and I'll be the youngest white haired lady alive, or find me the magical hair dye.... Rob has even volunteered to dye it :)

Much love and plucking of the "white" hairs,



  1. Well, Rob has quite a few white hairs, why shouldn't you? (Spoken from the mouth of me who has dyed my hair for many years!)
    Love, Mary

  2. JOin the crown and don't worry only costs about $100 PLUS tip for a cut and color in Kansas City! Add that one to the BUDGET!!
