Friday, August 20, 2010

We going to....

Kansas City.... Kansas City HERE WE COME!

And I'm not talking a weekend trip, I'm talking "We're coming home!!!!!!"

I know some people might not know that we moved to Wichita (it only happened in May) BUT Rob got a job opportunity in Kansas City that would bring us back to our family and friends. And we can't pass up our family and friends.

So where do we stand on our current situation?

So status on....

Wichita House
after a week of trying to get out of a housing contract which led me to have multiple breakdowns on an hourly basis, a short span of depression, unreasonable anger at the world and a brief loss of appetite, we are out of the housing contract! And that only cost us part of Anna's college savings (it's only money, right?!?!)

Moving Date
We are packing up the apartment this weekend and the packers come in one week (Friday, August 27th) to fill the moving truck! We will drive to KC after Rob's done working. Unpacking is all day Saturday, August 28th so anyone who loves to move, come on over :)

KC House
Since our house didn't sell... heck, it was barely viewed, we will be moving back into it. All our stuff in the house is ALL packed up and ready to be moved to Wichita. As for this stuff, we are not unpacking one thing! We are keeping it packed so that we don't have to do it when we finally sell our house. We are keeping it on the market and if we get an offer we are jumping on it like CRAZY and finding our dream home in a good school district... aka Blue Valley.

Rob's Job
Even though Rob was enjoying his job here and he had great potential professionally with this company, the prospect of being close to family won over. He is super excited about the opportunity existing for him at his new KC job and can't wait to wear jeans everyday. And don't worry- we are buying some new jeans for him!

Ok, I think I covered the ba-zillions of questions that people keep asking me.... I am serious- it has been BAZILLIONS!!!

Much Love and didn't I just pack a couple of months ago????



  1. You KNOW how happy we are about this!!! Sorry it's been so stressful; I can only imagine. Just one more question -- you're really not going to unpack one single thing? :-)
    Love, Mary/Grammy

  2. HIP HIP HORRAY!!!!! Love you guys!
