Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our new "home"

This past weekend we went down to Wichita to check out apartments to rent for 4 months while we look around the area for a house and area to move into come this Fall. We had planned to visit 3-4 complexes and then pick our favorite, but it only took us going to one and saying- Yup- this will do!

So here is our new home starting May 1..... and you won't believe it... the neighbor across the way has a cat. So.... out blinds will be closed ALL THE TIME because Peanut will go ballistic! Oh the blogs that will be posted about Peanut in the apartment.... hahaha!

We get the apartment Saturday, April 23 and plan to move all our stuff in that day. We will return to KC that next week to get the house ready (oh lord help us) and move for good Saturday May 1...... Did I mention my sub job ends Friday April 30th??? Oh the timing...... :) We plan on being back pretty much every weekend until the house is completely packed up and cleaned up!

We were pretty shocked at how much we liked Wichita- we stayed in the Northeast part of the city. It reminded us a lot of Kansas City. We also were surprised at all the shopping/restaurants that there were because we were told there wasn't much. We ate at a great little place called Bella Luna Cafe and plan on making it the place we take all our visitors..... so.... who wants to schedule a visit?!?!?!

Wish us well!

Much Love and a laundry list of stuff to do,

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see a photo. We hereby schedule the first visit -- April 24th! And I may never put Anna down the whole weekend. :-)
