Sunday, April 25, 2010

Move in #1

So, we are all moved in! Well. If you call stacking boxes in an apartment then we are!

We successfully loaded a 3-4 room Budget truck on Friday afternoon- Rob did a splendid job packing it by the way. It took us around 2 hours to load up the truck with the help from Todd and Aaron. We padlocked the car and went to bed knowing that half of our possessions were just sitting in our driveway waiting for someone to break into it and drive off......

......But no worries, it was there when we woke up in the morning! That next morning, Rob's parents helped us move down our things and also helped us unpack. Anna was a pretty good girl on the way down but was really craving some b-milk 45 minutes outside of Wichita. Of course, the girl won and we pulled over to feed her. Besides that, awesome job from Anna!

Our friends brother David and his wife Danielle, who live in Maize, KS, were SO nice to come and help us unpack the heavy things once we got to the apartment. They unloaded even some of the none heavy things as well- thanks a ton!

With all the boxes in, we set up Anna's room so she could play..... she tied with her daddy for packing and bringing the most boxes to the apartment- don't worry I DEFINITELY have the most boxes that are left at home :)

The weather worked out great, raining late in the afternoon, and we got a lot done! After a great dinner at Larkspur in Wichita's downtown Old Town Marketplace, we all went back tired. And the best part of the night.... Anna slept 9 hours straight!!!!!!!! Woo-hooooo! Oh AND she has a little hole in her gums where a tooth will be coming out VERY soon! I can't wait! And by the way the State of Kansas- my little girl would REALLY benefit if 1-35 went to a speed limit of 80 mph..... 2 3/4 hours is just a tid bit too long for a baby to make it without food!

Much thanks to Jim and Mary- you guys helped out more than you know!

Now off to B-E-A-U-T-I-F-Y the place to put on the market this week!

Much Love, Moving, Cleaning and Painting,

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