It's not like we were avid eater-outers to begin with, but we did like to go out to eat about every two weeks or so. And in doing so we never really had to plan the time, length or anything about our dining experience. Boy has that changed!!!
So today, after Anna's second cousin Emily's birthday party, we decided to stop at a Thai place on the way home. When we got to the restaurant everything seemed great... until our food delivered. I believe it was right before we took our first bite when the little girl decided that she too was hungry. I bet you can guess who ate first!!!!! (No... not rob!!!)
So we asked for a couple to-go boxes and while Rob paid the check (and ate the small amount of what was on his plate) I headed out to the car to do an emergency feeding in the front passenger seat (oh it's amazing what my wild Saturday nights consist of now a days!!!) Rob joined me a couple minutes later and when he did I told him to run back to the place to get plastic forks because I was too hungry to smell the pad thai while feeding Anna without eating any of it! So when he got back to the car, we all enjoyed our dinner while sitting in the front seat of the car in the dark parking lot eating out of the take out boxes.
Wow, how my life has changed. As Rob was spoon feeding me my pad thai, I was feeding Anna. I noticed through the corner of my eyes that as I was chewing my food, Anna was pretending to chew food too. When I licked my lips, Anna licked her lips. She was mimicking my every move! At that moment, I realized that I wouldn't trade this momment for anything much different (well okay- a free trip to Hawaii I'd take over it!) I love every minute of this; even though I am sure there is rice and Pad Thai noodles all over the passenger seat!
Much Love and happy uninterrupted eating,
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