Mommy and daddy can't believe that I am already 2 months old! Here's an update on what life is like for me!
*I love to sleep!!!! I am sleeping through the night. I get anywhere from 7 1/2 - 9 1/2 hours a night.
*I am smiling more- especially right after eating, sleeping or playing! I like to give BIG smiles to daddy and mommy!
*I am cooing and starting to make all sorts of noises while playing with people or my toys.
*When I am laying on my back, I like to kick and flair my arms in the air when excited (especially under my playgym)
*I love running errands with mommy but I don't really like Costco.
*I love to mimick mommy and daddy. I especially like to stick my tongue back at them when they stick theirs out at me. I also like to mimic mommy eating- she eats a lot! I can't wait to eat food like her- especially home made chocolate chip cookies!
*I like going to church mostly because of the music. Mom has only had to take me out of church once because I was fussy.
*I am beginning to play with my hands. I also am beginning to suck on them! They taste really good!
*I like to look at the pictures in all my books when daddy reads them to me.
*I love it when mommy or daddy sing to me to get me to go to sleep.
*I like being patted on the back pretty hard. It gets all my gas and burpies out so I am more comfortable :)
*I still LOVE being swaddled like a big ole burrito!
*I have lost some hair on the top of my head and my hair is getting lighter. Mommy and daddy kept wondering what color it will be and whether or not it will be curly!
*I like to watch objects above my head. I am starting to reach for things above but haven't quite figured out the whole thing. I can follow an object in a complete circle above my head.
*I had my first laugh with mommy and daddy while swinging in my swing with them talking to me saying funny words! People have to work REALLY hard to get me to laugh because I don't do it that often. :)
*I like to look at my swings' mobile and look at myself in the mirror attached to my swing.
*I LOVE my baths in the big girl bath tub with mommy. With mommy's help, I am beginning to kick at the water.
*I am starting to get baby acne. It is on my chest and around/on my ears. Mommy says it's better to have it now then when I am a teenager! Luckily it doesn't bother me one bit!
I can't wait to see what all I learn during my 3rd month! So excited!!!!!!!!
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