Monday, August 1, 2011


If you are a child of the 80's, the title of this blog post might have you thinking of the Screech pictured below.

Believe it or not, this blog post is not dedicated to him, it's dedicated to my littlest munchkin, Ashley.

It is her only nickname so far.

Given to her by my mom and sister, it has nothing to do with any resemblance to the Screech from Saved by the Bell; it has everything to do with how the sweet little angel can get sometimes.

Ashley is a very mellow and easy going baby (if you've met her you wouldn't think what I talk about next could possibly happen), but if you miss her bedtime or feeding time by as much as 5 minutes, then you have a screech owl on your hands. My mom was the first to notice this and at first I didn't believe her until a week later when it happened with me. It's unlike any baby. She doesn't give you any escalated vocal warning like most babies do; she goes from peaceful to screech owl in seconds. It is piercing loud and can put many people into a panic- even me. I have been pretty good at meeting her needs so that "Screech" doesn't appear but sometimes I loose track of time or don't pick up on her tired hues and then..... SCCCRRRREEEEEEECHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Good thing a pretty rough sway in my arms, her paci and a unique hold on her body calms her down pretty quickly! It only took several Screech episodes for me to figure it out!

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. This is too funny Jenny. Hope you can catch it on video for us to see!
