Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rockin Rob

...and we don't mean Daddy!

Today mommy was trying  to sign me up for swim lessons and saw that there was a free kids concert today at 10:30 am in Downtown Overland Park. Mommy likes anything that's free so we got in the car and went! We were all excited to get outside today b/c all week its been steamy hot- like 100 degrees!

Rockin Rob was awesome. We both loved watching other kids, dancing and the music! Ashley loved his bright orange shirt and Anna stood by mommy awestruck trying to soak it in. It wasn't until the second the last song that Anna started dancing with mommy and Ashley. After Anna was dancing to the last song she had so much fun that she clapped for Rockin Rob! We were pretty bummed when the songs were over because we were all just getting started dancing! Mommy wished someone would have been there because with both of us on her lap most of the time she couldn't take more then this picture of cowgirl Anna watching Rockin Rob! And by the way Anna got tons of compliments on her hat!

After that we walked to the farmers market and bought some peaches, tomatoes, squash and onion. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

Anna and Ashley


  1. Rockin' Rob played at a preschoolers event that BVSD put on this year. Our preschool music teacher started a program called Apple Tree that provides *free* songs, books & videos each month for a new songs she writes. Last spring, they held an Apple Tree event for all little kids and they sang songs and had stations in classrooms for pretend play, dancing, coloring, crafts, etc. Go here to sign up & then log-in to find the songs and videos. Our favorite is the Listening Boogie (I even play it for my 4th graders). Let me know if you want help navigating the site ... I think you'll all really like it! If you subscribe, you should also be able to find out if there is another Apple Tree Jamboree OR remind me and I'll tell you if/when it's coming up.

  2. Betsy- will you be my children's teacher??? Which by the way there is a possibility that when we sell this house that we will be moving to Kensington Manor- if we find a house that we like there. You just ROCK! Thanks a ton!

  3. Ooooh! How cool would that be? Then, the girls could come to preschool in my building and have Dr. Miller (singer/teacher/creator of AppleTree) be their music teacher :)
